AIDC 100 – Founded in 1997
AIDC 100 is a not-for-profit, self-sustaining, non-political, international organization of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) professionals and others who have significantly contributed to the growth and advancement of the industry. The organization is a technical and business resource – with emphasis on education – whose primary goal is to enlarge the business community’s knowledge and understanding of AIDC.
AIDC 100 Leadership Council

AIDC 100 Charter
- AIDC 100 is a non-profit, self-sustaining, non-political association of automatic identification/data capture (AIDC) professionals and others who, over an extended period of time, have significantly contributed to the growth and advancement of the industry.
- The organization is a technical and business resource — with emphasis on education — whose primary goal is to enlarge the global business community’s knowledge and understanding of AIDC.
- The organization serves as a business and social networking environment for its members.
- To serve as a resource for those vendors, users, potential users and others seeking unbiased information about AIDC technology and markets.
- To provide a forum for the exchange of information among anyone within the industry. This forum may include the distribution of technical papers, peer review of articles, and discussion groups to address current industry challenges and opportunities.
- To provide informative programs for members and non-members. These programs will focus on key industry issues, technology, standards and implementation topics.
There are five categories of membership:
- Active: An Active Member must be currently involved with AIDC activities. AIDC 100 will be limited to 100 Active Members.
- Emeritus: An Emeritus Member is no longer actively involved with AIDC activities. An Active Member will become Emeritus after having left active involvement in AIDC activities for one year. There is no limit to the number of Emeritus Members.
- Sponsoring: A Sponsoring Member is a printed or on-line publication whose primary editorial focus and audience is AIDC-related. There is no limit to the number of Sponsoring Members.
- Inactive: An Inactive Member is a member who does not pay dues within a period of 15 months. An Inactive member will have no voting privileges and is not qualified to be part of the Leadership Council. There is no limit to the number of Inactive Members. Inactive members will be listed on the AIDC 100 website without a biography.
- Legacy: A Legacy Member is someone who belongs in the AIDC 100 “Hall of Fame” because of early involvement in the development of AIDC technologies or implementation thereof, and who may have been previously overlooked or may not have previously qualified under original membership rules. A Legacy Member is no longer active in our industry and is honored during his life time or thereafter. There is no limit to the number of Legacy Members.
Membership will include individuals from the technology provider, user, supplier and other communities on a global basis.
Membership qualifications: A candidate should be reasonably well known and one who has done things that have had a positive impact on the industry, such as but not limited to:
- Extensive standards committee work as a contributor over an extended period of time
- Inventor of symbology(ies)
- Inventor of technology(ies)
- Holder of multiple patents
- Provided direction to industry organizations over an extended period of time
- Authored multiple papers and/or books on AIDC topics
- Recognized expert on one or more AIDC technologies and, as a result, is a frequent speaker at tradeshows and conferences
- Recipient of industry awards as a direct result of contributions as outlined above
Individuals may be nominated by any Member. A nomination must include a name and biography that justifies membership consideration, in accordance with the qualification criteria above. Approval is solely at the discretion of the Membership Committee. All membership approvals require a minimum of three affirmative votes by the Membership Committee. A nominee will be rejected as a result of two negative votes.
AIDC 100 was formed in 1997 and then incorporated in Pennsylvania in 2004 as a 501(c) 6 organization.
Oversight and leadership for the organization is provided by the Leadership Council. The Leadership Council consists of a maximum of 9 and a minimum of 6 members. As needed, members of the Leadership Council will be elected during the Annual Meeting. Membership in the Leadership Council is limited to 5 years and shall be in groups of 2 or 3 on a rotating basis so as to maintain continuity.
Members of the Leadership Council are appointed by the existing members of the council.
The Leadership Council has five officers, a Chairperson, a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. All officers are appointed by the Leadership Council. At least one of the Leadership Council members must be an international member.
The organization has four primary committees:
- The Membership Committee consists of 5 members inclusive of an international representative as appropriate. The members and its’ chairman are appointed by the Leadership Council. The duties of the Membership Committee include:
- the processing of nominations.
- informing inductees of their acceptance and provides them information on AIDC 100.
- updating the AIDC 100 website with information on new inductees.
- sending new inductees an AIDC 100 pin, membership certificate and welcome letter.
- maintaining an organizational roster.
- with the best possible available information, records the category of each member.
- on a annual basis, email a categorized roster to all members.
- The Communications Committee will increase visibility of the activities and values offered by AIDC 100 to the AIDC industry, its’ associations, its’ constituents and to the general press. It will also endeavor to maintain a constant flow of communications to the membership.
- The Website Committee maintains the AIDC 100 website and makes recommendations to the Leadership Council for changes and improvements. This committee keeps the site up-to-date relative to all organizational AIDC 100 activities. Individual members have the responsibility to keep their member profiles current.
- The Legacy Committee recognizes those that have been previously missed or passed by and maintains a virtual Hall of Fame. This committee consists of three members, one of whom is a chosen from the members of the Membership Committee. A Legacy member will be recognized as an Inactive member including the benefit of recognition on the AIDC 100 website complete with their background. The Legacy Committee will approve Legacy members at their sole discretion and will advise those individuals or their heirs. They will also update the website and advise that person responsible for maintaining the AIDC 100 roster.
Other committees may be created at the discretion of the Leadership Council to fulfill special needs or activity requirements.